The story of Flint Olympian Claressa "T-Rex" Shields, The Fire Inside marks the feature-length directorial debut of Black Panther cinematographer Rachel Morrison. The boxing drama, written by Moonlight 's Barry Jenkins, follows the ebb and flow of a traditional sports biopic right up until it doesn't, before branching out in unexpected ways. However, its story beats are often restrained and awkward, resulting in a film that never fully blooms. SEE ALSO: The 25 best movies of 2024, and where to watch them This is especially a shame considering its magnificent lead performances, from Grown-ish star Ryan Destiny as the formidable Shields, and Brian Tyree Henry as her diligent coach, Jason Crutchfield. Both actors bring tremendous nuance and passion to their roles, turning Shields and Crutchfield into fully formed characters whose interpersonal drama remains enticing throughout, even when it feels hampered by the film's construction. It is, both fittingly an...
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